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Join 1,100+ newsletter subscribers who learn about sensory overload and how to apply simple, sensory-friendly solutions.

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Sensory curious? Join the movement!

Download the Sensory Friendly Solutions Podcast and connect with a global community passionate about inclusive spaces. Experts, parents, people with lived experience and everyday champions from businesses and organizations, share real-life solutions.

Empowering Change: Podcast Testimonials from the Sensory-Friendly Community

“Christel is an inspiring educator and mentor for those of us who work with individuals with sensory sensitivities and challenges; individuals with dementia, PTSD, ASD or hearing loss.  I look forward to each podcast and really appreciate the energy, enthusiasm and passion Christel brings to finding Sensory Friendly Solutions for clients and for helping to engage the community in a broader definition of accessibility that is much more inclusive.  She has found a way to engage the clients, health care workers, and community at large that is interesting and change generating in positive ways.”

-Alexa Gauthier, Occupational Therapist

“The Sensory Friendly Solutions podcast is using such an innovative platform to reach a broad audience in the areas of Autism, PTSD, hearing and vision loss. Christel’s desire to educate and present insightful information is refreshing.”

-Nick Taggert,
Dad to son with dual-diagnosis of Autism and Down Syndrome

“Hey, just listened to your sensory podcast with Dr. Gander. Loved it. It is inspiring to have such a great doctor in our province. One of many of course, I’m sure! Thank you for putting this important topic out in the podcast space.”

-Jolyane Aube,
Occupational Therapist

“I am really enjoying listening to this podcast, Matt and Trish. It is very enlightening and helpful to parents who are curious as to whether they should seek support when their intuition is telling them to pay attention. Well done.”

– Lori Carle,
Manager of Corporate Citizenship, Podcaster

Season 1 of the Sensory Friendly Solutions Podcast continues with a transformative listening experience, crafted from our exclusive audio conference dedicated to the unique travel needs of adults aged 55 and over. This in-depth exploration delves into the world of sensory-friendly tourism, providing invaluable insights, practical tips, and expert advice to help older adults confidently navigate their travel adventures.

Discover a world of sensory-friendly travel through arts, culture, and tourism for the 55+ market.

These conference sessions were recorded in 2021, so you will hear references to COVID-19. We know the travel and tourism industry, and the arts and culture sector, were irrevocably impacted by the pandemic. This audio conference is our way of helping travel and tourism businesses, tourist attractions, arts and culture organizations and adults 55-plus return to living, traveling and enjoying daily life.

The content shared in this audio conference is relevant at any time.

Welcome to the 55 plus Travelers: Arriving and Thriving Audio Conference.

Join Sensory Friendly Solutions Founder Christel Seeberger, and guest hosts Sophie Yang and Christopher Basmadjian, occupational therapy students, in this audio conference sessions for tourism, arts and culture.

2 minutes.

headshot of Danielle Timmons and Carol Alderdice

Tours and the Tourism Industry: Danielle Timmons, and Carol Alderdice.

Listen to Danielle Timmons, Aquila Center for Cruise Excellence, and Carol Alderdice,  Tourism Industry Association of New Brunswick, as they give their expert perspectives on delivering exceptional customer experience to travelers 55+.

64 minutes.

Headshot of Sarah Nemetallah

Music and Concerts: Sarah Nematallah.

Hear Sarah Nematallah share how Xenia Concerts offers high quality music and arts performances in an environment that welcomes everyone.  Sarah walks you through the steps that make the sensory experience a match for the audience.

42 minutes

Headshot of Shelley Ann Morris.

Changes in vision: Shelley Ann Morris.

Learn from the lived experience of Shelley Ann Morris, a traveler with low vision.  As the receptionist/administrator for the Canadian Council of the Blind and the host of the radio show, Welcome to My World, Shelley Ann has person-first advice to create exceptional experiences that include more people.

46 minutes.

Headshot of Laura Caswell

Theatres and Performances: Laura Caswell.

Discover the joy in making a theatre location and its performances accessible and inviting to audiences of all ages from Laura Caswell, Neptune Theatre.  Get tips and ideas that apply to any event or location.

25 minutes.

Headshot of Lynn Leblanc.

Changes in hearing: Lynn Leblanc.

Absorb the extensive expertise of Lynn Leblanc, Executive Director, New Brunswick Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Inc., as Lynn teaches about the challenges of hearing loss along with the  simple solutions that make communication easier for mature travelers.

56 minutes.

Headshot of Elaine Shannon

Experienced traveler insights: Elaine Shannon.

Be inspired by the travel insights from Elaine Shannon as she shares how she spent her first paycheck on a cross-country trip and has been traveling for over 3 decades since, culminating in her launch of curated experiences for mature travelers at Fundy Vortex Tours.

35 minutes.

Headshot of John and Mona.

Matching tours and travelers: John Simon and Mona Crowley.

Enjoy the conversation with John Simon, Kefi Travel and traveler Mona Crowley who join us for a conversation about delivering travel and tours that are attractive to experienced travelers.  This bonus session also has a special host, broadcaster Trish Hamilton.

40 minutes.

Your Sensory-Friendly Travel Hosts

headshot of Christel Seeberger

Christel Seeberger, Founder & CEO of Sensory Friendly Solutions.

Christel previously worked as an occupational therapist for over 25 years before founding Sensory Friendly Solutions to make the world more sensory-friendly for everyone.

As a traveler with hearing loss, she understands how simple changes make a big difference in tourism.

She created this free audio conference to help arts and culture, tourism and travel bounce back after the pandemic and welcome travelers 55 plus with sensory-friendly experiences that are a match for what they want and need.

Sophie Yang, guest host.

Sophie completed her Bachelor’s of Rehabilitation Science in Occupational Therapy in April 2021 and is expected to graduate with a Master’s of Rehabilitation Science in Occupational Therapy degree at McGill University in Montreal, Canada in 2022.  

Sophie spent her summer community placement in 2021 at Sensory Friendly Solutions to work on the audio conference with her classmate Christopher, with the goal of discovering the various sensory needs and solutions for adults ages 55plus in travel and tourism. She hopes that this audio conference will increase awareness on how to provide a more sensory-friendly tourism experience for all. 

headshot of Christopher Basmadjian

Christopher Basmadjian, guest host.

Christopher completed his Bachelor’s of Rehabilitation Science in Occupational Therapy in April 2021.  He is expected to graduate with a Master’s of Rehabilitation Science in Occupational Therapy degree at McGill University in Montreal, Canada in 2022. 

Christopher spent his summer community placement in 2021 at Sensory Friendly Solutions to work on the audio conference with his classmate, Sophie, with the goal advocating for the needs of this poorly advocated demographic, mature travelers. Christopher described himself as a young and hard-working student, who enjoys learning, sports, and outdoor activities.

The final episodes of season 1 of the Sensory Friendly Solutions Podcast are another groundbreaking audio resource dedicated to addressing the unique dental experiences of individuals with sensory sensitivities. This comprehensive exploration delves into the world of sensory-friendly dentistry, providing invaluable insights, practical tips, and expert advice to help patients navigate dental appointments with confidence and ease.

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For dentists, orthodontists, periodontists, and dental teams, discover how to create a sensory-friendly practice that enhances patient care and loyalty and for patients who want sensory-friendly dentistry!

Final Episode Lineup

These audio conference sessions were recorded in 2021, so you will hear references to COVID-19. We know that dentistry and the oral health of patients were impacted by the pandemic. This free audio conference is our way of helping dentists, orthodontists and periodontists and their teams in turn help their patients access dental care that meets their needs.  

Dental health is a key to a person’s overall health and well-being.  And a return to good health and well-being is important for everyone.

The content shared in this audio conference is relevant at any time.

Christel Seeberger, Chelsea Bloom, Stephanie London, Sensory Friendly Dentistry Audio Conference Hosts

Welcome to Sensory Friendly Dentistry

Join Sensory Friendly Solutions Founder Christel Seeberger, and guest hosts Chelsea Bloom and Stephanie London, occupational therapy students, in these audio conference sessions for dentists, periodontists, orthodontists and their teams. 

Learn from dentists, periodontists, parents and patients.

3 minutes.

Maureen Bennie, Sensory Friendly Dentistry Audio Conference Guest

Maureen Bennie: positive dentistry from childhood to adulthood.

Build a toolbox of strategies for your practice.  Listen to Maureen, Bennie, Autism Awareness Centre Founder, and parent to 2 autistic adults, as she shares her extensive knowledge. Understand the barriers experienced by autistic persons to dental care and learn how to overcome them, in a positive, proactive way.

54 minutes. 

Cindi Green and Megan Gallant, Sensory Friendly Dentistry Audio Conference Guests

Cindi Green and Megan Gallant: avoiding the dentist is a reality.

Hear from Cindi Green, Executive Director of Autism Resources Miramichi, and parent Megan Gallant as they share insights about the simple steps that make the sensory experience of dental care a match for each patient and would empower parents to make oral hygiene possible.

41 minutes.

Headshot of Laura Swinburne.

Laura Swinburne: always make patients feel comfortable.

Learn practiced strategies from the first-hand, and varied experiences, of dental hygienist Laura Swinburne. Her priority is to make everyone feel comfortable in the dental chair and she delivers that experience with customized dental care.

44 minutes.

Headshot of Rachel Korman.

Dr. Rachel Korman: you can make a difference.

Discover the joy of dentistry with new graduate and current pediatric resident, Dr. Rachel Korman.  She speaks about her passion for finding ways to make dental care accessible, inclusive and welcoming and the purposeful way she has included that in the launch of her career.

45 minutes.

Dr. Peter Halford, Sensory Friendly Dentistry Audio Conference Guest

Dr. Peter Halford: care and compassion overcome challenges.

Listen to Dr. Peter Halford, periodontist as he shares insights gleaned from his practice.  You will feel informed and excited to practice dentistry in a way that makes the most challenging interventions a positive experience for patients by creating a family-like atmosphere.

25 minutes.

Chelsea Bloom and Stephanie London Sensory Friendly Dentistry Audio Conference Guest Hosts

Sensory Friendly Dentistry: Reflections.

Wrap up your audio conference experience with occupational therapy students Chelsea Bloom and Stephanie London as they summarize the most important lessons learned and take “back to your dental practice” messages.

7 minutes.

Dentistry Episodes Hosts

Christel Seeberger, Sensory Friendly Dentistry Audio Conference Host

Christel Seeberger, Founder & CEO of Sensory Friendly Solutions.

Christel previously worked as an occupational therapist for over 25 years before founding Sensory Friendly Solutions to make the world more sensory-friendly for everyone.

As a person with hearing loss, she understands how challenging going to the dentist can be when a patient has a sensory difference.

She created this free audio conference to help dentists, orthodontists, periodontists and their teams deliver excellence in patient care.

In particular, Christel, and Sensory Friendly Solutions want to ensure more people, including autistic women and girls, an underserved and under represented population segment, have good oral health, a critical part of general health and well-being.

Headshot of Chelsea Solo.

Chelsea Bloom, guest host.

Chelsea completed her Bachelor’s of Rehabilitation Science in Occupational Therapy in April 2021 and is expected to graduate with a Master’s of Rehabilitation Science in Occupational Therapy degree at McGill University in Montreal, Canada in 2022. 

Chelsea was excited to work with Sensory Friendly Solutions (SFS) during her summer community placement as they try to make the world more sensory friendly one step at a time. Throughout her time at SFS, Chelsea and her classmate Stephanie created this audio conference focused on barriers and solutions associated with sensory-friendly dentistry. Chelsea hopes that this audio conference will not only increase awareness on the importance of sensory-friendly accommodations in dentistry, but also allow dental care to be a more accessible and positive experience for all. 

Stephanie London, Sensory Friendly Dentistry Audio Conference Guest Host

Stephanie London, guest host.

Stephanie completed her Bachelor’s of Rehabilitation Science in Occupational Therapy in April 2021 and is expected to graduate with a Master’s of Rehabilitation Science in Occupational Therapy degree at McGill University in Montreal, Canada in 2022. 

Stephanie was eager to work alongside Sensory Friendly Solutions, in their journey to discover new ideas and ways to make the world more sensory friendly. She will be spent her community placement here at SFS working on the audio conference with her classmate Chelsea, with the goal of addressing barriers and solutions to sensory-friendly dentistry. She hopes that this audio conference will increase awareness on how to provide a more sensory-friendly dentistry experience, as well as promote active change in the dentistry community.  

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